ANNOUNCEMENT: Public Workshop to Discuss Proposed Basin Plan Amendments to Incorporate Recommended Strategies, Policies and Guidance from the Central Valley-wide Salt and Nitrate Management Plan

From the Central Valley Water Board:

The Central Valley Water Board will hold a public workshop to discuss proposed Basin Plan Amendments that would incorporate strategies, policies and/or guidance into the Central Valley region’s Basin Plans to establish a Central Valley-wide Salt and Nitrate Control Program.

The Salt and Nitrate Control Program is intended to provide a framework for the Central Valley Water Board to regulate salt and nitrate throughout the Central Valley in a sustainable manner while ensuring that groundwater users whose wells are impacted with nitrates are provided safe drinking water supplies.

The Basin Plan Amendments under development include strategies, policies, and guidance to implement recommendations as appropriate from the CV-SALTS-developed Salt and Nitrate Management Plan (SNMP). These strategies, policies, and guidance include:

• Nitrate Permitting Strategy

o Management Zone Alternative
o Guidance for Developing Alternative Compliance Projects

• Salinity Management Strategy
• Guidance to Implement Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels
• Revision of the Salinity Variance Policy
• Revision of the Exceptions Policy
• Drought and Water Conservation Policy
• Offsets Policy
• Factors to Support a Maximum Benefit Finding
• Mechanisms to ensure compliance

The Board is conducting the public workshop to solicit stakeholder input on the strategies, policies and guidance currently under development. The workshop will be held on January 19, 2018 at the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board offices; 11020 Sun Center Drive #200; Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

A more detailed meeting agenda will be available prior to the meeting date. Although the Board may provide feedback to Board staff at the workshop, no Board action will be taken.
Workshop-related material will be posted on the Board’s website (below) by 20 December 2017:

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