UPDATE: Statewide Mercury Control Program for Reservoirs

From the State Water Resources Control Board:

Update on Statewide Mercury Control Program for Reservoirs

Questionnaire to Reservoir Owners and Operators

In preparation for upcoming stakeholder meetings to discuss options for reservoir pilot studies, the State Water Board will be administering a questionnaire to inquire about fisheries and water chemistry management practices and feedback on potential pilot test options. Reservoir owners and operators whose reservoir(s) will be included under this program will receive a certified letter containing the questionnaire web link within 10 business days from now. The reservoir owners and operators will have 45 days to complete the questionnaire. Please note that the reservoir owner and operator may need to collaborate with one another to answer the questions thoroughly. The estimated time to complete this questionnaire is 1-2 hours.

The list of reservoirs and their associated owners and operators receiving the questionnaire is attached to this e-mail. Please e-mail mercuryproject@waterboards.ca.gov if your reservoir is listed on the attachment but your agency or organization does not receive the letter. Subsequent to receiving feedback from the reservoir owners and operators, staff will summarize the questionnaire data and make this available to the reservoir owners and operators. The results will be discussed at reservoir stakeholder meetings anticipated this summer/fall. All reservoir owners and operators subject to this program will be invited to attend in person or via webcast.

Staff Report and Provisions Submitted to Scientific Peer Review

The Statewide Mercury Control Program for Reservoirs is in the process of submitting a draft staff report and proposed regulatory language to external scientific peer review and expects the review to be completed by late summer 2017. During the peer review process, the documents will be posted on our website, http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/mercury/reservoirs/ to facilitate discussions with stakeholders. Please note that no public comments will be accepted on the documents submitted to peer review. After the scientific peer review comments are received and addressed, the Water Boards will release a revised staff report and Provisions for formal public review. A formal notice will be provided to the public identifying the public review period.

Please note our website link has recently changed: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/mercury/reservoirs/

Please contact Carrie Austin (carrie.austin@waterboards.ca.gov) or Lauren Smitherman (lauren.smitherman@waterboards.ca.gov) with questions.