Do you support timely and unbiased water news reporting?

Dear readers:

Breaking news is business as usual at Maven’s Notebook, and what a winter it has been for just that!   In a short span, Californians saw the state’s five-year drought all but evaporate, worried about possible dam failure and welcomed new federal infrastructure funding. What else can 2017 hold?

Make a tax-deductible donation to Maven’s Notebook and support timely and unbiased reporting on California water issues.

This winter, critical water news has happened after hours and on weekends, and Maven’s Notebook has been committed to delivering it as it happens – such as the Water Infrastructure Improvements Act and the Oroville Dam emergency spillway incident – so you have it as soon as possible. It’s one reason why so many of you say that timely updates and unbiased reporting make Maven’s Notebook a daily “must-read.”

Your tax deductible donation will ensure this work continues.

Reader donations are the engine powering Maven’s Notebook. Your support is critical to ensure continuation of high-quality breaking news coverage, as well as in-depth and unbiased reporting on the water issues you care about.

Please make a tax-deductible contribution today and show your support for the unbiased reporting that keeps you informed and knowledgeable about what’s happening in California water.

Thank you for your support and for being a reader of Maven’s Notebook!

With warmest regards,


P.S. Your tax deductible donation of $50, $100, $250 or more will ensure this critical work continues.  Click here to donate.

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