Optimizing reservoir operating rules, Effects of ending groundwater overdraft in the Central Valley, Reconciliation ecology on the Yolo Bypass, and more in the latest edition of the San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science Journal

sfews logoIn the latest issue of the San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science Journal:


Which Way to the Brave New Baylands?
by J. Letitia Grenier DOI // URL

Research Articles

Abundance Trends, Distribution, and Habitat Associations of the Invasive Mississippi Silverside (Menidia audens) in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California USA
by Brian Mahardja, Louise J. Conrad, Lester Lusher, and Brian Schreier DOI // URL

Linking Hydrodynamic Complexity to Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) Distribution in the San Francisco Estuary, USA  
by Aaron Bever, Michael MacWilliams, Bruce Herbold, Larry Brown, and Frederick Feyrer DOI // URL

Physical Controls on the Distribution of the Submersed Aquatic Weed Egeria densa in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California and Implications for Habitat Restoration  
by John Durand, William Fleenor, Richard McElreath, Maria Santos, and Peter Moyle DOI // URL

Multi-Purpose Optimization for Reconciliation Ecology on an Engineered Floodplain—Yolo Bypass, California, USA 
by Robyn Suddeth Grimm and Jay Lund DOI // URL

Reservoir Operating Rule Optimization for California’s Sacramento Valley  
by Timothy Nelson, Rui Hui, Jay Lund, and Josué Medellín–Azuara DOI // URL

Economic and Water Supply Effects and Ending Groundwater Overdraft in California’s Central Valley  
by Timothy Nelson, Heidi Chou, Prudentia Zikala, Jay Lund, Rui Hui, and Josué Medellín–Azuara DOI // URL

About San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science: San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science is an open access, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes research about the science and resource management of San Francisco Bay, the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, its watersheds, and adjacent coastal ocean. SFEWS is co-sponsored by the UC Davis John Muir Institute of the Environment and the Delta Stewardship Council.

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