Special edition of San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science Journal features 9 essays on science, policy, and the Delta

SFEWS_LogoVolume 11, Issue 2 of San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science is now available online. This is a special issue that features nine essays by top scientists who write about the need for and difficulty in using science to guide policy to solve problems surrounding the Bay-Delta and other imperiled environments.  In addition, two research papers presented in this issue extend our knowledge of seasonal movement of delta smelt and ecosystem restoration of the Middle Sacramento River.

In this issue:



To view the entire issue, click here.

San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science is an open access, peer reviewed, academic journal that publishes research about the science and resource management of San Francisco Bay, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, its watersheds, and the adjacent coastal ocean.  It is published four times a year and is in its 10th year of publication.