Office of Administrative Law approves regulations; Delta Plan to take effect on September 1

This just in from the Delta Stewardship Council: the Office of Administrative Law has approved the Delta Plan’s fourteen regulations, paving the way for their implementation to take effect on September 1st.  The new regulations apply to projects undertaken by state and local agencies that occur at least in part in the Delta.

These 14 regulations help to ensure state and local agency compliance with the Coequal Goals of state law: providing a more reliable water supply for California and restoring the Delta ecosystem in a manner, done in a way that protects and enhances the Delta as an evolving place,” said Delta Stewardship Council Chair Phil Isenberg. “While the regulations are important, they are a relatively small portion of the Delta Plan, which also includes 73 recommendations dealing with a wide range of issues from groundwater management and surface storage improvement to the successful completion of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan and the designation of the Delta as a Natural Heritage Area.”

In other Council news, Governor Brown appointed Taryn Ravazzini, an attorney and former staffer for the Association of California Water Agencies, as the Council’s Coordinator of the Delta Plan Implementation Committee earlier this month.  The first meeting of the Committee is tentatively scheduled for October.

Click here to read the full text of the press release.